Wednesday, May 26, 2010

OpenBSD Pf Firewall "how to" ( pf.conf )

The default firewall for OpenBSD as of v3.0 is called "packet filter" or more commonly referred to as pf. Pf is a BSD licensed stateful packet filter written by Daniel Hartmeier and was released on December 1, 2001.History of PF
PF was originally designed as replacement for Darren Reed's IPFilter, from which it derives much of its rule syntax. IPFilter was removed from OpenBSD's CVS tree on 30 May 2001 due to OpenBSD developers' problems with its license. Specifically, Reed distributed some versions of his software with the license clause, "Derivative or modified works are not permitted without the author's prior consent." Due to this, the OpenBSD team decided to replace the software. This decision became the subject of wrangling among the parties involved, degenerating into a discussion that failed to reach mutual understanding. On the subject, OpenBSD project leader Theo de Raadt wrote, "Software which OpenBSD uses and redistributes must be free to all... for any purpose including... modification."
PF has since evolved quickly and now has several advantages over other available firewalls. Network Address Translation (NAT) and Quality of Service (QoS) have been integrated into PF, QoS by importing the ALTQ queuing software and linking it with PF's configuration. Features such as pfsync and CARP for failover and redundancy, authpf for session authentication, and ftp-proxy to ease firewalling the difficult FTP protocol, have also extended PF.
One of the many innovative feature is PF's logging. Logging is configurable per rule within the pf.conf and logs are provided from PF by a pseudo-network interface called pflog. Logs may be monitored using standard utilities such as tcpdump, which in OpenBSD has been extended especially for the purpose, or saved to disk in a modified tcpdump/pcap binary format using the pflogd daemon. Wikipedia "History of pf"
Pf is an extremely powerful firewall. If you are interested in setting up a secure OS with an equally secure firewall then lets get started. First, we will go over the basics of getting the default pf.conf example file working. Then, we can talk about the specific options in the example file you may want to take a detailed look at. Options you may be interested in include the quality of service (QOS) called HFSC (Hierarchical Fair Service Curve Packet Scheduler) and stateful tracking options (STO). After you have pf setup and working you may also want to explore the possibility of setting up a pf CARP firewall failover system or the relayd proxy server.
For the purposes of this "how to" we will be working with the latest version of OpenBSD v4.x stable (GENERIC kernel). The example file will use most of the advanced tools in the pf arsenal so you can get an understanding of how they would work in a fully operational pf.conf file. If you decided to not use some of the options, you can take them out. We just want to give you all the information we can in a functional config file so you can decide what you want to use.

Getting Started (the new pf or old pf?)

Below you will find two scrollable text boxes. The first contains the version of pf.conf for OpenBSD v4.6 and earlier and for FreeBSD. The second scrollable text box contains the new syntax for pf.conf started in OpenBSD 4.7. Both formats are available to make it easier for you to review the code. These are fully working config files with the exception of setting up a few variables for your environment.

OpenBSD v4.6 and earlier pf.conf (including FreeBSD)

These rules are for OpenBSD v4.6 and earlier version of PF. Note that in OpenBSD v4.7 the syntax has been changed. Please look at the next text box below for the newer PF syntax.
### pf.conf
################ OpenBSD pf.conf ##########################
# Required order: options, normalization, queueing, translation, filtering.
# Note: translation rules are first match while filter rules are last match.
################ Macros ###################################

### Interfaces ###
# CarpIf="em2"

### Hosts ###

### States & Queues ###
 SynState="flags S/SAFR synproxy state"
 TcpState="flags S/SAFR modulate state"
 UdpState="keep state"

### Ports ###
 AllowOUT="{80, 443}"
 IntIfTcpOut="{22, 139}"
 IntIfUdpIn="{67, 137, 138}"
 IntIfUdpOut="{137, 138}"

### Stateful Tracking Options ###
 ExtIfSTO  ="(max 9000, source-track rule, max-src-conn   2000, max-src-nodes 254)"
 IntIfSTO  ="(max 250,  source-track rule, max-src-conn   100,  max-src-nodes 254, max-src-conn-rate 75/20)"
 PostfxSTO ="(max 100,  source-track rule, max-src-states 5,    max-src-nodes 30,  max-src-conn-rate 10/300, overload  flush global, tcp.established 45)"
 SpamdSTO  ="(max 500,  source-track rule, max-src-conn   10,   max-src-nodes 300, max-src-conn-rate 2/300,  tcp.established 10)"
 SshSTO    ="(max 10,   source-track rule, max-src-states 10,   max-src-nodes 5,   max-src-conn-rate 20/60, overload  flush global)"

 ################ Tables ####################################
 table  persist file "/etc/blacklist"
 table  persist file "/etc/slowqueue"
 table  persist

################ Options ##################################
# Misc Options
 set debug urgent
 set require-order yes
 set block-policy drop
 set loginterface $ExtIf
 set state-policy if-bound
 set fingerprints "/etc/pf.os"
 set ruleset-optimization none

# Timeout Options
 set optimization aggressive
 set timeout { frag 10, tcp.established 3600 }
 set timeout { tcp.first 30, tcp.closing 10, tcp.closed 10, tcp.finwait 10 }
 set timeout { udp.first 30, udp.single 30, udp.multiple 30 }
 set timeout { other.first 30, other.single 30, other.multiple 30 }
 set timeout { adaptive.start 5000, adaptive.end 10000 }

################ Normalization #############################
### Use this line for OpenBSD v4.5 and earlier ONLY!
# scrub log on $ExtIf all random-id min-ttl 254 max-mss 1472 set-tos lowdelay reassemble tcp fragment reassemble

################ Queueing ##################################
# Comcast Upload = 1000Kb/s (queue at 96%)
 altq on $ExtIf bandwidth 960Kb hfsc queue { ack, dns, ssh, web, mail, bulk, bittor, spamd }
  queue ack        bandwidth 60% priority 8 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 50%)
  queue dns        bandwidth  7% priority 7 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime  5%)
  queue ssh        bandwidth 10% priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime  5%) {ssh_login, ssh_bulk}
   queue ssh_login bandwidth 90% priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc
   queue ssh_bulk  bandwidth 10% priority 5 qlimit 500 hfsc
  queue web        bandwidth 10% priority 5 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 10%)
  queue mail       bandwidth 10% priority 4 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime  5%)
  queue bulk       bandwidth  1% priority 3 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime  5% default)
  queue bittor     bandwidth  1% priority 2 qlimit 500 hfsc (upperlimit 92%)
  queue spamd      bandwidth  1% priority 1 qlimit 500 hfsc (upperlimit 3Kb)

################ Translation ###############################
 no rdr on lo0 from any to any
#nat on egress from $Xbox360       to any tag EGRESS -> ($ExtIf:0) static-port
 nat on egress from (self)         to any tag EGRESS -> ($ExtIf:0) port 1024:65535
 nat on egress from $IntIf:network to any tag EGRESS -> ($ExtIf:0) port 1024:65535

# Named ( bind dns )
 rdr on $IntIf inet proto udp from $IntIf:network to $IntIf port domain tag BINDNS -> lo0 port domain

# Ntpd ( time server )
 rdr on $IntIf inet proto udp from $IntIf:network to $IntIf port ntp tag NTPD -> lo0 port ntp

# Openssh
 rdr on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from $WorkSsh to ($ExtIf) port ssh tag OPENSSH -> lo0 port $SshPort
 rdr on $IntIf inet proto tcp from $HomeSsh to  $IntIf  port ssh tag OPENSSH -> lo0 port $SshPort

# Ftp ( secure ftp-proxy for the internal LAN )
 nat-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
 rdr-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
 rdr on $IntIf inet proto tcp from $IntIf:network to any port ftp -> lo0 port $FtpPort

# Postfix/Sendmail/Qmail ( external mail to mail server and spamd )
 rdr on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from   to ($ExtIf) port smtp tag MAIL  -> lo0 port smtp
 rdr on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from ! to ($ExtIf) port smtp tag SPAMD -> lo0 port spamd

# Games (rdr to windows box)
 rdr-anchor "games"

# DENY rouge redirections
 no rdr

################ Filtering #################################

### Use this line for OpenBSD v4.6 and later ONLY
## Packet normalization ("scrubbing")
# match on $ExtIf all scrub (random-id min-ttl 254 set-tos lowdelay reassemble tcp max-mss 1472)

# Blocking spoofed packets: only enable if "set state-policy if-bound" above
 antispoof log quick for { lo0 $IntIf ($ExtIf) }

# Samba broadcast fix
 pass log quick on $IntIf inet proto udp from $IntIf:network to $IntIf:broadcast port $IntIfUdpOut $UdpState $IntIfSTO

# Block to/from illegal sources/destinations
 block        in log quick           from no-route to any
 block        in     quick on $ExtIf from urpf-failed to any
 block        in log quick on $ExtIf from  to any probability 97%
 block        in     quick on $ExtIf from  to any
 block        in     quick on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from  to any port $SshPort 
 block        in     quick on $ExtIf from any to
 block return in     quick on $IntIf from any to 
 block return in     quick on $IntIf from any to
 block               quick                inet6

# BLOCK all in/out on all interfaces and log by default
 block        log on $ExtIf
 block return log on $IntIf

# CARP firewall failover ( )
# pass on $CarpIf inet proto pfsync keep state
# pass on { $ExtIf, $IntIf } inet proto carp keep state

# Ftp ( secure ftp-proxy )
 anchor "ftp-proxy/*"

# Games (rules for games on windows box)
 anchor "games"

# $ExtIf inbound
#pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto icmp from any                  to ($ExtIf) icmp-type 8 code 0 $UdpState
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from $WorkSsh             to lo0 port $SshPort  $SynState $SshSTO queue (ssh_login, ssh_bulk) tagged OPENSSH
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from   to lo0 port smtp      $SynState $PostfxSTO queue (mail, ack) tagged MAIL
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from ! to lo0 port spamd     $SynState $PostfxSTO queue (spamd)     tagged SPAMD

# $IntIf outbound
 pass out log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from $IntIf to $IntIf:network port $IntIfTcpOut  $TcpState
 pass out log on $IntIf inet proto udp  from $IntIf to $IntIf:network port $IntIfUdpOut  $UdpState
 pass out log on $IntIf inet proto icmp from $IntIf to $IntIf:network icmp-type 8 code 0 $UdpState

# $IntIf inbound
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from $IntIf:network to   lo0   port $FtpPort      $TcpState $IntIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from $IntIf:network to  $IntIf port $IntIfTcpIn   $TcpState $IntIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from $IntIf:network to !$IntIf port $AllowOUT     $TcpState $ExtIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from $HomeSsh       to   lo0   port $SshPort      $TcpState $IntIfSTO tagged OPENSSH
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp  from $IntIf:network to   lo0   port domain        $UdpState $IntIfSTO tagged BINDNS
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp  from $IntIf:network to   lo0   port ntp           $UdpState $IntIfSTO tagged NTPD
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp  from $IntIf:network to  $IntIf port $IntIfUdpIn   $UdpState $IntIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto icmp from $IntIf:network to  $IntIf icmp-type 8 code 0 $UdpState $IntIfSTO

# $ExtIf outbound
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from ($ExtIf) to any             $TcpState $ExtIfSTO queue (bulk, ack) tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from ($ExtIf) to any port ssh    $TcpState $ExtIfSTO queue (ssh_login, ssh_bulk) tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto udp  from ($ExtIf) to any             $UdpState $ExtIfSTO queue (bulk) tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto udp  from ($ExtIf) to any port domain $UdpState $ExtIfSTO queue (dns) tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto icmp from ($ExtIf) to any             $UdpState $ExtIfSTO queue (bulk) tagged EGRESS

################ END #######################################

OpenBSD v4.7 pf.conf

This pf.conf is for OpenBSD v4.7 or later. These rules will _not_ work on any earlier versions of PF. The syntax has been changed to add the "match" and rdr-to / nat-to directive rule sets. These rules work similarly to the old rules above. You should be able to cut-paste this into your /etc/pf.conf and, with a little tweeking, get the firewall to do what you need to. We tried to put in all of the different services and redirctions we could thing of to show you what you can do with Pf.
################ OpenBSD pf.conf ##########################
# Required order: options, queueing, translation and filtering.
################ Macros #######################################################

### Interfaces ###
 ExtIf ="em0"
 IntIf ="em1"

### Hosts ###
 Wraith  =""
 Xbox360 =""
 WorkSsh =""

### Queues, States and Types ###
 IcmpType ="icmp-type 8 code 0"
 SshQueue ="(ssh_bulk, ssh_login)"
 SynState ="flags S/SAFR synproxy state"
 TcpState ="flags S/SAFR modulate state"
 UdpState ="keep state"

### Ports ###
 FtpPort ="8021"
 SshPort ="8022"

### Stateful Tracking Options (STO) ###
 FtpSTO   ="(tcp.established 7200)"
 ExtIfSTO ="(max 9000, source-track rule, max-src-conn   2000, max-src-nodes 14)"
 IntIfSTO ="(max 150,  source-track rule, max-src-conn   50,   max-src-nodes 14, max-src-conn-rate 75/20)"
 SmtpSTO  ="(max 200,  source-track rule, max-src-states 50,   max-src-nodes 50, max-src-conn-rate 30/10,   overload  flush global)"
 SshSTO   ="(max 5,    source-track rule, max-src-states 5,    max-src-nodes 5,  max-src-conn-rate  5/60)"
 WebSTO   ="(max 500,  source-track rule, max-src-states 50,   max-src-nodes 75, max-src-conn-rate 120/100, overload  flush global)"

### Tables ###
 table  counters
 table  counters file "/tools/pf_block_permanent"

################ Options ######################################################
### Misc Options
 set debug urgent
 set reassemble yes
 set require-order yes
 set block-policy drop
 set loginterface $ExtIf
 set state-policy if-bound
 set fingerprints "/etc/pf.os"
 set ruleset-optimization none

### Timeout Options
 set optimization aggressive
 set timeout { frag 30, tcp.established 120 }
 set timeout { tcp.first 30, tcp.closing 30, tcp.closed 30, tcp.finwait 30 }
 set timeout { udp.first 30, udp.single 30, udp.multiple 30 }
 set timeout { other.first 30, other.single 30, other.multiple 30 }

################ Queueing ####################################################
### FIOS Upload = 20Mb/s (queue at 97%)
 altq on $ExtIf bandwidth 19.40Mb hfsc queue { ack, dns, ssh, web, mail, bulk, bittor, spamd }
  queue ack        bandwidth 30% priority 8 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime   20%)
  queue dns        bandwidth  5% priority 7 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime    5%)
  queue ssh        bandwidth 20% priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime   20%) {ssh_login, ssh_bulk}
   queue ssh_login bandwidth 50% priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc
   queue ssh_bulk  bandwidth 50% priority 5 qlimit 500 hfsc
  queue bulk       bandwidth 20% priority 5 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime   20% default)
  queue web        bandwidth  5% priority 4 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime  (10%, 10000, 5%) )
  queue mail       bandwidth  5% priority 3 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime    5%)
  queue bittor     bandwidth  1% priority 2 qlimit 500 hfsc (upperlimit 95%)
  queue spamd      bandwidth  1% priority 1 qlimit 500 hfsc (upperlimit 1Kb)

################ Translation and Filtering ###################################

### Blocking spoofed packets: enable "set state-policy if-bound" above
 antispoof log quick for { lo0 $IntIf ($ExtIf) }

### Block to/from illegal sources/destinations
 block        quick           inet6
 block        quick on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from  to any port != ssh
 block        quick on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from  to any port != ssh
 block        quick on $ExtIf inet proto udp from  to any port != ssh
 block        quick on $ExtIf inet proto udp from  to any port != ssh
 block in     quick on $ExtIf inet           from any to
 block in log quick on $ExtIf inet           from urpf-failed to any
 block in log quick on $ExtIf inet           from no-route to any

### BLOCK all in/out on all interfaces by default and log
 block        log on $ExtIf
 block return log on $IntIf

### Network Address Translation (NAT with outgoing port randomization)
 match out log on egress from  (self)   to any                    tag EGRESS nat-to ($ExtIf:0) port 1024:65535
 match out log on egress from !$Xbox360 to any received-on $IntIf tag EGRESS nat-to ($ExtIf:0) port 1024:65535
 match out log on egress from  $Xbox360 to any received-on $IntIf tag EGRESS nat-to ($ExtIf:0) static-port

### Packet normalization ( "scrubbing" )
 match log on $ExtIf all scrub (random-id min-ttl 254 set-tos lowdelay reassemble tcp max-mss 1472)

### Ftp ( secure ftp proxy for LAN )
 anchor "ftp-proxy/*"

### Games ( Xbox 360, PS3 and PC )
 anchor "games"

### BitTorrent ( p2p )
 anchor "bittor"

### $ExtIf inbound
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from !($ExtIf)      to ($ExtIf) port https $SynState $WebSTO  queue (web, ack)  rdr-to lo0
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from !($ExtIf)      to ($ExtIf) port www   $SynState $WebSTO  queue (web, ack)  rdr-to lo0
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from   to ($ExtIf) port smtp  $SynState $SmtpSTO queue (mail, ack) rdr-to lo0
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from ! to ($ExtIf) port smtp  $SynState $SmtpSTO queue (spamd)     rdr-to lo0 port spamd
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from  $WorkSsh      to ($ExtIf) port ssh   $SynState $SshSTO  queue $SshQueue   rdr-to lo0 port $SshPort
#pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto icmp from !($ExtIf)      to ($ExtIf) $IcmpType  $UdpState

### $IntIf outbound
 pass out log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from $IntIf to $IntIf:network port ssh  $TcpState
 pass out log on $IntIf inet proto icmp from $IntIf to $IntIf:network $IcmpType $UdpState

### $IntIf inbound
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from  $IntIf:network to !$IntIf port www    $TcpState $ExtIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from  $IntIf:network to !$IntIf port https  $TcpState $ExtIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from  $IntIf:network to  $IntIf port ftp    $TcpState $IntIfSTO rdr-to lo0 port $FtpPort
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp  from  $Wraith        to  $IntIf port ssh    $TcpState $IntIfSTO rdr-to lo0 port $SshPort
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp  from  $IntIf:network to  $IntIf port domain $UdpState $IntIfSTO rdr-to lo0
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp  from  $IntIf:network to  $IntIf port ntp    $UdpState $IntIfSTO rdr-to lo0
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp  from  $IntIf:network to  $IntIf port bootps $UdpState $IntIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto icmp from  $IntIf:network to  $IntIf $IcmpType   $UdpState $IntIfSTO

### $ExtIf outbound
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from ($ExtIf) to !($ExtIf)             $TcpState $ExtIfSTO queue (bulk, ack) tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from ($ExtIf) to !($ExtIf) port ssh    $TcpState $ExtIfSTO queue $SshQueue   tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp  from ($ExtIf) to !($ExtIf) port ftp    $TcpState $FtpSTO   queue (bulk)      tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto udp  from ($ExtIf) to !($ExtIf)             $UdpState $ExtIfSTO queue (bulk)      tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto udp  from ($ExtIf) to !($ExtIf) port domain $UdpState $ExtIfSTO queue (dns)       tagged EGRESS
 pass out log on $ExtIf inet proto icmp from ($ExtIf) to !($ExtIf)             $UdpState $ExtIfSTO queue (bulk)      tagged EGRESS

################ END of pf.conf ###########################

Setup of the example machine and daemons

The fictional machine these rules run on is a firewall with an external interface on the Internet (em0 using DHCP) and an internal interface (em1 using network ips 10.10.10/24) on the private lan. The box is running the following services serving the internal lan (em1) only: samba windows share, bind dns, ntp time server, sshd and a ftp proxy. In addition, any machines allowed from the variable $WorkSsh will be allowed to ssh to the box from the Internet (em0).
As an added layer of security all services will be running on localhost and only those clients negotiating the redirect rules (rdr) will be able to connect. The ideology is if the firewall is off or disabled in some way then the services on the firewall are not available to anyone.

WARNING: If this box is going to be a firewall and you expect to pass packets from one interface to the other you _MUST_ enable packet forwarding. Even if pf is setup correctly for your network, no packets will traverse between your internal and external networks unless packet forwarding is turned on.

Making sure ip forwarding is on

You can see if ip.forwarding is set to on=1 or off=0 by typing "sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding" . If ip.forwarding is off you can manually enable it by typing "sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1". This command will only take effect for this session and ip.forwarding will be set back to its previous setting on reboot.
To make ip.forwarding permanent add the following line into the /etc/sysctl.conf file so packet forwarding will be enabled on boot.
### /etc/sysctl.conf 
net.inet.ip.forwarding=1    # 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of packets

Make sure ACPI v2.0 and APCI are on in the BIOS

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) defines common interfaces for hardware recognition, motherboard and device configuration and power management. According to its specification, "ACPI is the key element in Operating System-directed configuration and Power Management (OSPM)". The Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) is a more intricate Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) containing a magnitude more outputs, much more complex priority schemas, and Advanced IRQ management.
Both ACPI v2.0 and APCI allow the firewall to work more efficiently. Go into your BIOS and make sure that both are enabled.

What does it all mean?

To use this config file you need to edit a few variables that pertain to your environment. We will _not_ be going over every rule in detail, but explaining what you need to do to get this example pf.conf working in your environment.
These will be internal (em1) and external (em0) interfaces of your machine. Depending on the manufacture you will have different interface names. An easy way to look for the interfaces on your machine is executing an "ifconfig". The "Carp" interface name is a place holder.
The hosts section of the config shows the internal ip HomeSsh and the external ip WorkSsh we are allowing to ssh to the box.
States & Queues
These are the connection options and state types each rule will use. flags S/SAFR : Only tcp connections use the "flag" directive, udp and icmp connections can not. For stateful connections, the default in PF is flags set to S/SA. This means, out of SYN and ACK, exactly SYN may be set. SYN, SYN+PSH and SYN+RST do match, but SYN+ACK, ACK and ACK+RST do not. The safer flag settings are S/SAFR as we have in the example. This will deny packets who have the SYN+FIN and SYN+RST flags set since they are generally illegal combinations. The flag options, which we highly recommend understanding, are defined as the following:
S = SYN ... request to start a connection with the remote server. Having the SYN packet set is how a client and server will start the negotiation of a connection.
A = ACK ... acknowledge the payload or another datagram including a connection request. The ACK packet is a packet sent from the server back o the client. If the SYN+ACK bit is set on a new connection, a malicious client might be trying to pass something by a less advanced packet filter. You want to filter on this flag since a SYN+ACK is not part of a valid, initial connection request.
F = FIN ... end or finish a connection. Specifically the client or server is telling the other side that they have nothing more to say. If SYN+FIN is set this can be thought of as, "I want to talk, but have nothing to say." Those machines who set it can be safely ignored. You want to filter on this flag for new connections because it is invalid during a new connection request.
R = RST ... is a reset or refusal of a connection. SYN+RST is like answering a phone call by hanging up, which really does not make any sense. You want to filter on this flag since it will not be used in any real connection request. You might see this type of flag set on a Nmap scan for example.
P = PSH ... push this packet up the TCP stack ASAP and do not buffer. The PSH flag is used by telnet and SSH, for example, to cause the payload to be processed by the application right away. Normally, the PSH flag is not set on the initial connection, but after a connection is made and the client/server wants to make sure packets are handled quickly. One could filter SYN+PSH packets without a problem. Our example does not filter PSH as we have not found a valid reason to do so. If you wanted to filter PSH bits then add a "P" like so: S/SARFP.
U = URG ... simply tries to tell the receiving machine the other machine considers this data payload to be very important (urgent) and to process it ASAP. Urgent data should take precedence over any other data. For example, a Ctrl-C to terminate a FTP download. Just like the PSH packet, you can filter a SYN+PSH without issue is you want to. Our example does not filter URG as we have not found a valid reason to do so. If you wanted to filter URG bits then add a "U" like so: S/SARFU.
E = ECE or ECN ... is Explicit Congestion Notification Echo. ECN allows end-to-end notification of network congestion without dropping packets. It is an optional feature, and is only used when both endpoints signal that they want to use it. Traditionally, TCP/IP networks signal congestion by dropping packets. When ECN is successfully negotiated, an ECN-aware router may set a bit in the IP header instead of dropping a packet in order to signal the beginning of congestion. The receiver of the packet echoes the congestion indication to the sender, which must react as though a packet drop were detected. There is no real reason to filter the ECE bit.
W = CWR ... is Congestion Window Reduced. In addition to the two ECN bits in the IP header, TCP uses two flags in the TCP header to signal the sender to reduce the amount of information it sends. These are the ECN-echo and Congestion Window Reduced bits. Use of ECN on a TCP connection is optional; for ECN to be used, it must be negotiated at connection establishment by including suitable options in the SYN and SYN-ACK segments. When ECN has been negotiated on a TCP connection, the sender marks all data segments with the ECN-capable code point. A router that detects impending congestion may choose to mark an ECN-capable packet with the congestion experienced code point rather than dropping it outright. Upon receiving a TCP segment with the Congestion Experienced code point, the TCP receiver sends an acknowledgment with the ECN-echo flag set. The ECN-echo bit indicates congestion to the sender, which reduces its congestion window as for a packet drop. It then acknowledges the congestion indication by sending a segment with the Congestion Window Reduced code point. There is no real reason to filter the CWR bit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While S/SAFR is practical and safe, it is also unnecessary to check the FIN and RST flags if traffic is also being scrubbed. The scrubbing process will cause PF to drop any incoming packets with illegal TCP flag combinations (such as SYN and RST) and to normalize potentially ambiguous combinations (such as SYN and FIN). Either way you can set S/SAFR or S/SA as long as you also use scrubbing.
keep state: Specifies whether state information is kept on packets matching this rule. keep state works with TCP, UDP, and ICMP. In OpenBSD v4.1 and later, this option is the default for all filter rules.
modulate state: Much of the security derived from TCP is attributable to how well the initial sequence numbers (ISNs) are chosen. Some popular stack implementations choose very poor ISNs and thus are normally susceptible to ISN prediction exploits. By applying a modulate state rule to a TCP connection, pf(4) will create a high quality random sequence number for each connection endpoint. The modulate state directive implicitly keeps state on the rule and is only applicable to TCP connections. (man pf.conf)
synproxy state: By default, pf(4) passes packets that are part of a tcp(4) handshake between the endpoints. The synproxy state option can be used to cause pf(4) itself to complete the handshake with the active endpoint, perform a handshake with the passive endpoint, and then forward packets between the endpoints. We highly recommend using synproxy on any TCP rule you can.
No packets are sent to the passive endpoint before the active endpoint has completed the handshake, hence so-called SYN floods with spoofed source addresses will not reach the passive endpoint, as the sender can't complete the handshake.
The proxy is transparent to both endpoints, they each see a single connection from/to the other endpoint. pf(4) chooses random initial sequence numbers for both handshakes. Once the handshakes are completed, the sequence number modulators (see previous section ISN) are used to translate further packets of the connection. synproxy state includes modulate state. (man pf.conf)
The daemons running on our example machine are listening on certain ports. We lists those ports here. For example, openssh is listening on localhost on port 8022 so we set SshPort="8022". The variable names are short, but they are logically named. If you see the beginning of the name start with "IntIf" then this is the Internal Interface. The ports listed in the variable AllowOUT are ports the firewall is going to allow clients on the internal lan to pass out to the Internet. For example, we are going to let internal machines connect to web servers on the Internet on ports 80 and 443 only.

Want to graph your Pf traffic statistics to see patterns on your network? Check out our guide to setting up Pfstat to graph PF logs (pfstat.conf). With just a bit of time you can have full color graphs representing all of your traffic going though Pf.

Stateful Tracking Options (STO)
STOs are used to limit ips or connection attempts to the machine's services. For example, if you had a web server open to the public and you knew the daemon could handle 8000 connections in total at a rate of 100 per 60 seconds. You could set the "max" to 8000 and "max-src-conn-rate" to 100/60. If you did not limit access from abusive hosts connecting to your server then your daemon may die or be unavailable to others clients. Basically a DDOS or denial of service. STOs give you the ability to set limits on remote clients on the firewall in front of your services. You can see the amount of packets blocked by a rate limiting rule by typing "pfctl -si" and looking at the "src-limit" entry.
max is the maximum amount of ESTABLISHED connections from all ips this rule will accept. If you know your web server can not accept more than 1000 connections then set the limit here. The max limit is the grand total, so 1000 connections from 1 ip would be the same as 1 connection from 1000 ips.
source-track rule means this rule will restrict access from each ip address individually. If one ip breaks the rules all the other ips will not be affected. This rule works well in punishing the abusers while the good clients are accepted.
max-src-states are the maximum amount of total states that will be created for an ip address. This rule does _NOT_ rely on the client completing the 3-way handshake. No matter what the state is this directive will cap them at the limit. For example, if we set the limit to 15 states then each ip can connect, attempt to connect, or connect and close a total of 15 created states. They are limited by the number of states we created for them. If they then disconnect all 15 connections they will have to wait until at least one state times out in order to connect again. This is very client restrictive, but can give you a lot of control denying abusive clients. You might use this to restrict connections to a ssh server. Setting the limit to two(2) will limit clients to two connections in total and they will not be able to connect again until the state expires for at least one of those connections.
max-src-conn is the maximum amount of ESTABLISHED (complete the 3-way handshake) states a single ip can have created without being denied. If the limit is set to 10 then each ip can have created 10 ESTABLISHED three-way connection states and no more. NOTE: That same ip which already has 10 ESTABLISHED states can also have an unlimited amount of other states like CLOSED and SYN_SENT. This limit can be used to allow clients the ability to have a few states open at a time and once the first are closed they can reconnect again with having to wait until the state has expired. It is highly suggested that you use synproxy on all rules with max-src-conn.
max-src-nodes is the maximum number of individual ip addresses this rule will allow. Nodes are not the amount of states an ip can have, but the number of actual connecting ip addresses. This is a good way to limit a service that will only serve X ips at a time like a pop server or ssh server.
max-src-conn-rate is the limit on the rate of new connections completing the 3-way handshake over a set time interval. Lets say we set the rate to 30/100. This means we will only accept 30 connections per 100 seconds per ip that successfully complete the connection. It is highly suggested that you use synproxy on all rules with max-src-conn-rate.
overload and flush global: The overload directive means if a client ever reaches the amount of connections per time period specified in max-src-conn-rate the client will be added to the table specified and all of their current states will be globally flushed or deleted. You can then make a rule to do something to the ips in this table. For example, we are going to limit ssh connections to 20 per 60 seconds "max-src-conn-rate 20/60" and if someone reaches this limit they will be put into the OVERLOAD_SSH table and all their current states will be cleared. We will then make a rule to block all connections from ips listed in OVERLOAD_SSH to the ssh port.

You can reduce the power consumption of your firewall and keep track of system temperatures by using Power Management with apmd and Sensorsd hardware monitor (sensorsd.conf).
Tables are used for large lists of ips and can go into the tens of thousands of entries. We are using tables in the example to define two lists: blacklist and slowqueue. To use a file as the input for the table you simply need to have one ip per line. You can also use the "#" character for comments. Here is an example as well as the definition of what both tables are going to be used for in the example pf.conf .
# /etc/blacklist table example
# bots
Blacklist: This is a list of known abusers you never want to talk to again. Perhaps they are web site abusers, mail spammers or something else. It does not matter. The Blacklisted IPS list in conjunction with the block rule in the example pf.conf will deny access to/from those ips.
Slowqueue: This list of ip addresses is for people who you consider abusers, but you want to annoy with them. Ips in this list will be subjected to 97% packet lose. The 3% of connections that do make it through will come through to your services like normal. In effect, they will not be blocked but have their packets randomly dropped. This is extremely effective against download accelerators, bots, and scanners. It can keep a remote (l)user tied up for weeks wondering why "it works sometimes."
Misc Options
This is a list of default behaviors for pf. The log level is set to "Urgent" by default. The pf rule sets are going to be required to be in order of options, normalization, queueing, translation, filtering. The default policy is to drop packets. We are going to log on the external interface and the state policy is interface bound. The pf.os fingerprint file is defined and we are going to ask pf _not_ to try to optimize the rules as they are already in a good order. The man page of pf has a very good description of all of the miscellaneous options used here.
Timeout Options
The timeout are how much time do we wait before we drop the state of an idle, open or closed connection. These timings are incredibly aggressive. You may wish to stay with the default timings or make them more aggressive. Your physical connection, type of services, machine specs and traffic load will determine your values.
Scrubbing is the act of combining and auditing a packet to conform to acceptable rules. We can never trust packets from the network and especially not from the Internet. This scrub rule will recombine and de-fragment packets on the external interface so that all packets transversing the firewall will be scrubbed. The minimum time to live (min-ttl) is set to a minimum of 254 to obfuscate packets from different machines from our internal network. We will also set the type of service to "lowdelay" to try to reduce the latency of our packets on the network. Note that ACK packets from the BSD machine will still have a TTL of 64 if that is what is defined by your "sysctl net.inet.ip.ttl".The Maximum Message Segment Size (max-mss) for most networks is 1472 bytes. 1500 bytes is going to be the default MTU or Maximum Transmission Unit. If you subtract 28 bytes for the IP and TCP packet headers from the MTU then you get the Max-MSS (1500-28=1472). For efficiency we want to send as much data as possible in that 1500 MTU packet size without ever going over. If we go over 1500 bytes then the packets will be fragmented by an upstream router and our speeds will severely diminish. This is essential if your connection goes over a PPPoE network Like Verizon's FIOS. The reason you want to manually confirm the MSS of your network is that there may be a misconfigured or obsolete router fragmenting your data. You need to know what the limitations of your network are and if you need to scrub your data to a MSS less than 1472.
How do I find out what my Max-MSS on my network is? We can use the ping tool to test out the maximum payload allowed on our network out to the world. First, you _must_ disable your match scrub rule before this test otherwise scrub will change the MSS on us. Just comment out the match scrub rule in your pf.conf. Next, ping a host that is outside of your ISP and somewhere on the internet. Lets use a google host since they have many machines and they allow us to ping them. Use ping with the (-D) do not fragment bit set and a (-s 1472) MSS payload size of 1472 bytes and (-c 1) send one ping request.
user@machine$ host has address

user@machine$ ping -c 1 -D -s 1472
PING ( 1472 data bytes
72 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=15.652 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 16.459/16.459/16.459/0.000 ms
As you can see our ping was successful. The round trip time was 15.652 ms so we know that we can send at least 1472 bytes per packet. Lets try 1473 bytes payload...
user@machine$ ping -c 1 -D -s 1473
PING ( 1473 data bytes
ping: sendto: Message too long
ping: wrote 1501 chars, ret=-1
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
Here we see that a payload of 1473 bytes is too large for the network (i.e. 100.0% packet loss) and since we told the routers not to fragment, the packet was dropped. So, we have verified for this specific network that the MSS is going to be 1472 bytes. The MTU is the MSS plus 28 bytes for the packet headers, which equals 1500 bytes.
Also, make sure to set the default MSS in /etc/sysctl.conf to the same maximum segment size of 1472. To set the default MSS on the command line use "sysctl net.inet.tcp.mssdflt=1472 . Take a look at our Network Tuning and Performance Guide (OpenBSD) for details.

Your firewall is one of the most important machines on the network. Keep the system time up to date with OpenNTPD "how to" (ntpd.conf), monitor your hardware with S.M.A.R.T. - Monitoring hard drive health and keep track of any changed files with a custom Intrusion Detection (IDS) using mtree. If you need to verify a harddrive for bad sectors check out Badblocks hard drive validation/wipe.
HSFC queueing is an excellent choice for quality of service (QOS) on any network. One can use Priority or CBQ, but we find HFSC is significantly more powerful. There are only a few lines in the queueing section, but it can get very complicated to explain. You can find a full discussion here at on the Hierarchical Fair Service Curve (HFSC) of OpenBSD page.
Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process of modifying network address information in datagram packet headers while in transit across a traffic routing device for the purpose of remapping a given address space into another. NAT is what you use when you want to allow machines on an internal LAN to access the Internet through the firewall.
Our pf example uses the line "nat on egress from $IntIf:network to any -> ($ExtIf:0) port 1024:65535" for this purpose. For security, we also want to make sure that all traffic originating from the box itself is NAT'd when going out the external (egress) interface. The line "nat on egress from (self) to any -> ($ExtIf:0) port 1024:65535" will take care of all traffic from any ip associated with the firewall itself going out the external (egress) interface.
The option, "port 1024:65535" will allow a larger pool of source ports for NAT. By default PF will use ports 49152 to 65535 which is a range of 16383. By increasing our source ports pool to a range of 64511 we make it significantly harder for the bad guys to spoof return packets coming back to the firewall. Case in point, the latest BIND DNS udp port randomization vulnerability in which the pool of source ports was small and attackers could flood forged UDP packets back to the DNS machine.
Redirection rules tell pf to point packets coming in one interface:port pair to another interface:port or machine:port. For example we have openssh listening on local host port 8022, but packets are coming in to our external interface on port 22. Redirection rules redirect the packets to where they are supposed to go. Not shown in the example rules, but shown in the "anchor" example below, is redirecting packets coming in on one interface to another machine on the network. For example, instead of allowing connections to ssh to the external interface you could instead redirect those packets to another machine inside the firewall.
This is where the logic of pf happens. Rules in the filtering area are responsible for accepting connections in and out of the box as well as allowing connections "through" the box from the internal lan to the Internet. Listed in the example are sections for the internal and external interfaces incoming and outgoing. Take some time and take a look at each of the rules in these four(4) blocks. Notice: the rules are in an optimized order of prevalence depending on what interface they control to what protocol they accept.Constructing a pf rule
We are not going to over ever rule individually. Instead lets cover the basics of building a pf rule. With this knowledge you will be able to break down the example pf.conf as learn how to build your own.
This is one of the rules from the example. Lets go over what each directive does.
pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp from $IntIf:network to !$IntIf port $AllowOUT $TcpState $ExtIfSTO
pass tells pf whether to "pass" or "block" packets that match this rule.
in is the direction the packet must pass in to match this rule. You can check packets on the "in" or "out" direction of an interface.
log means you want any matching packet to trigger a log entry in pflog. It is important to have logs of everything that happens on the firewall for future reference. Also, if you decide to use the graphical statistic program "pfstat" it will look at the logs to determine traffic patterns. Log everything you can.
on $IntIf is the the interface. This rule specifies the internal interface according to the variable $IntIf which corresponds to "em1" from the pf.conf.
inet simply means that this rule will only match ip version 4 (ipv4) packets. Ip version 6 (ipv6) "inet6" packets will _not_ match.
proto tcp is the protocol type, we are specifying tcp. You have the choice of tcp, udp and icmp depending on the rule you construct.
from $IntIf:network means the packet can originate from any machine on the entire internal network connected to the internal interface ($IntIf = em1). In the example the internal interface has an ip associated with it. All ips in this network are included in the directive "$IntIf:network". For example, if the internal interface has the ip and the netmask is then any machine with the ip to will match (10.10.10/24).
to !$IntIf is the destination of the packet. We are saying that the packet can go to any host as long as it is _not_ $IntIf. The "!" means not.
port $AllowOUT limits the ports a packet is destined for to the ones specified in the variable $AllowOUT. The example pf.conf defines $AllowOUT as the ports 80 and 443.
$TcpState are the state options. Our predefined variable $TcpState says "flags S/SA modulate state".
$ExtIfSTO is the variable for the stateful tracking options for this rule. $ExtIfSTO is expanded to "(max 9000, source-track rule, max-src-conn 2000, max-src-nodes 254)" when the rule is established.
tagged which is not shown in this rule. The "tagged" option is linked to the rdr (redirecting) rule. When a packet is redirected it can have a "tag" which is a string labeling that rule. The rdr rule then needs a pass rule to actually accept the packet. The pass rule can make sure it only accepts the right packet from the rdr line by looking for the "tagged" string. For example if the rdr rule has "tag OPENSSH" then the pass rule can look for "tagged OPENSSH".
queue which is not shown in this rule. A queue is only for packets going out of the box or for packets returning back to an external client. You only have control of the speed of packets as they leave your box. The queue will order packets by priority to make sure the packets of the highest priority will go out before lower priority ones.

What about the rules that do not have all of those options?
Some rules like the default block rules leave out some of the directives as pf can put them in be default. Lets take a look at the following rule.
block return log on $IntIf
Notice this rule does not have a "in" or "out" entry. This is because if it is not specified then pf automatically assumes that you mean "in and out". The same applies to the protocol that is not defined, pf sees this and assumes you mean "tcp, udp and icmp" packets. This rule expands to say that any packet the internal interface sees that is not allowed by any other rule will be blocked. The directive "return" says to send a "reset" packet back to the ip instead of just dropping the packet out right.

For more information or ideas about on CARP (Common Address Redundancy Protocol) check out our OpenBSD Pf / CARP Firewall Failover page. also has a OpenSMTPD "how to" (smtpd.conf).

Anchors (ftp and games)

An anchor is a collection of filter and/or translation rules, tables, and other anchors that has been assigned a name. When PF comes across an anchor rule in the main ruleset, it will evaluate the rules contained within the anchor point. Processing will then continue in the main ruleset unless the packet matches a filter rule that uses the quick option or a translation rule within the anchor in which case the match will be considered final and will abort the evaluation of rules in both the anchor and the main rule sets.
Anchors are completely separate pf rules and have their own variable names, redirection and pass rules. Make sure your anchors have all the variables defined which are necessary to make the rules work. Rule evaluation of an anchor stays in the anchor. It will not go out to the main pf.conf for anything.
FTP anchors
These are the nat, rdr and rules for the "forward" ftp-proxy. A "forward" direction proxy allows internal lan clients to connect to external ftp servers. The proxy will make rules and insert them into the ftp anchor on the fly. These are the default anchors necessary to make ftp-proxy work. For more information on ftp-proxy check out the ftp-proxy "how to".
Games anchors
These anchors are for games you may play. The idea is you do not need the redirect rules or the ports open for games if you are not playing them at the time. Remove the rules if they are not needed. The problem with editing the pf.conf directly are mistakes. If you have ever edited the pf file and saved it after accidentally editing or deleting a line you understand the hazards. We can easily add and delete rules using anchors.Normally all of the rules are kept in the pf.conf and you edit the rules there. With anchors, we are going to have a separate text file with the rules we need for each separate game we are going to play. When we are ready to play the game the anchor is enabled and all of the rules in the text file are engaged. When we are done playing the game we flush (clear) the anchor rules. The anchor is still listed in the pf.conf, but it is empty and thus not used.
Lets use the game "Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance" as an example. When playing this multi-player game, not only must every client connect to the server machine, but every client must connect to each other. This is called "bus" topology and is used to reduce the upload bandwidth the server would normally need to support game data of this size. This also adds a lot of problems since every computer playing must be able to reach every other player. It only takes one incorrectly configured machine in the group to lose the game.
In the example pf.conf above we have two anchors, rdr-anchor "games" and anchor "games" which are both empty when pf initially loads. Note, anchors can be empty and not be considered an error. Now we need to setup the rules so our game will work.
Note, if you execute the script and add rules into an anchor they will be there till you clear them. If you change the anchor file, for example to change port numbers or something similar, you can execute the script again to replace the contents of the current anchor. This is the normally expected behavior.
BTW, once you get the anchors to work you are welcome to use the following script called "". It is a simple shell script we use to enable anchors, turn them off or show the status.
# ./ show   = display active anchors
# ./ off    = deactivate all anchors
# ./ rtor   = turn ON rTorrent anchor
# ./ supcom = turn ON Supreme Commander anchor
# ./ xbox   = turn ON Xbox360 anchor

if [ $1 = "show" ]
     echo "anchor: games"
     pfctl -a games -sn
     pfctl -a games -sr
     echo " "
     echo "anchor: rTorrent"
     pfctl -a bittor -sn
     pfctl -a bittor -sr

if [ $1 = "off" ]
     echo "anchor: games"
     pfctl -a games -F all
     echo " "
     echo "anchor: rTorrent"
     pfctl -a bittor -F all

if [ $1 = "rtor" ]
     pfctl -a bittor -f /disk01/tools/pf_anchor_rtorrent
     echo "anchor: rTorrent"
     pfctl -a bittor -sn
     pfctl -a bittor -sr

if [ $1 = "supcom" ]
     pfctl -a games -f /disk01/tools/pf_anchor_rtorrent
     echo "anchor: games"
     pfctl -a games -sn
     pfctl -a games -sr

if [ $1 = "xbox" ]
     pfctl -a games -f /disk01/tools/pf_anchor_xbox360
     echo "anchor: games"
     pfctl -a games -sn
     pfctl -a games -sr

Anchor Example #1: Supreme Commander
First, you need to set the anchor points in your pf.conf. These are the points in which the rules in the following section will be loaded. Think of the anchors as place holders for the rules. When you load the anchor, the rules will be evaluated in the place the anchor line is specified in pf.conf.
For the Supreme Commander rules we need to add two anchors, one redirect and one rules anchor. Add the following into your pf.conf:
## add to /etc/pf.conf
################ Translation ############################### 
# Games (redirect anchor)
 rdr-anchor "games"

################ Filtering #################################
# Games (rules anchor)
 anchor "games"
Second, the following text file contains the rules to redirect packets from any remote player listed in $SupComHosts and send them to the internal windows machine (Windowz). Remember that the anchor will _not_ read variable names from the main pf.conf. You will need to tell the anchor about interfaces, like ExtIf="em0", for the anchor to work.
The ports being forwarded from SupComHosts hosts are listed in $SupComPortsUDP. We also need the windows box to connect out to the GPGnet servers on port 80 (www) and to other players so we will open the ports listed in $GameUdpPorts for this purpose. Finally port 8767 will be used for the Windows box to communicate with a private TeamSpeak server. Here is the file called pf_anchors_supreme_commander :
##  Supreme Commander  (pf_anchors_supreme_commander)

### Interfaces ###

### Hosts ###

### States & Queues ###
 TcpState="flags S/SA modulate state"
 UdpState="keep state"

### Stateful Tracking Options ###
 ExtIfSTO  ="(max 9000, source-track rule, max-src-conn 2000, max-src-nodes 10)"

### SupCom Ports ###
 SupComPortsUDP="{6112, 9103}"
 GameUdpPorts="{6112, 8767, 9103, 30340:30351}"

# SupCom rdr to Windowz
 rdr on $ExtIf inet proto udp from $SupComHosts to ($ExtIf) port $SupComPortsUDP tag SUPCOM -> $Windowz

# $ExtIf inbound
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto udp from $SupComHosts to $Windowz port $SupComPortsUDP $UdpState $ExtIfSTO queue (bulk, ack) tagged SUPCOM

# $IntIf outbound
 pass out log on $IntIf inet proto udp from $SupComHosts to $Windowz port $SupComPortsUDP $UdpState tagged SUPCOM

# $IntIf inbound
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp from $Windowz to $GPGNetHosts port www $TcpState $ExtIfSTO
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp from $Windowz to !$IntIf port $GameUdpPorts $UdpState $ExtIfSTO
Finally, to enable to the rules you must first reload the pf.conf to enable the anchor place holders, rdr-anchor "games" and anchor "games". You only need to load the pf.conf this one time. Then when you are ready to use the Supreme Commander anchor you can use the following commands or use the script above "".
To re-read the pf.conf file use:
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
To enable the lines in the "games" anchor use:
pfctl -a games -f /directory/pf_anchors_supreme_commander
To list out the active redirects and rules of the "games" anchor:
pfctl -a games -sn;pfctl -a games -sr
To list out all anchor and main rules/redirects together:
pfctl -a '*' -sn;pfctl -a '*' -sr
To flush (clear) _ALL_ of the lines currently loaded in the "games" anchor:
pfctl -a games -F all

Anchor Example #2: Xbox 360 for Xbox Live! Gold (NXE) and online games
In order to get the Xbox360 to work online correctly you need to get the network test on the Xbox to say "Nat: open". If the test says moderate or strict then the Live! service will disconnect randomly or you will not be able to play online games or hear people talk to you in the game. Since we are using PF we an open the necessary ports and stop port filtering for the xbox without compromising the integrity of our LAN.
BTW, when you get your rules working you are always welcome to lookup our Xbox360 gamertag "Calomel org" and mail us. That is "Calomel", single space, "org".
First, lets make sure we understand what each of the "NAT" values are being reported by the Xbox 360. Microsoft decided to separate NAT into three different classes:
  1. Strict is symmetric NAT.
  2. Moderate is cone shaped NAT with port filtering or with UPnP turned off.
  3. Open is cone shaped NAT with no port filtering or with UPnP turned on.
When a private address makes a connection outwards, NAT has to assign a port number so that return traffic can be sent to the correct private device. What makes the difference for Xbox Live is how these port numbers are chosen for UDP packets.
Symmetric NATs create a new entry (the name for the mapping of an external port to an private address and port) for every outgoing UDP packet if the destination and port are not the same. Cone NATs create a new entry only if the port number changes.Sending three UDP packets to three different machines (all on the same port) creates three entries on a symmetric NAT and only one on a cone NAT. These two extra entries are what breaks Xbox Live. When you talk to the Live servers they remember the port you connected on and tell other Xboxes to talk to you over that same port. If your NAT is symmetric (default for pf) then it blocks the traffic from the other Xboxes as only the Live server is allowed back on that port. We need to use the "static-port" nat directive and allow traffic using our anchor.At this point you may be wondering why don't we just use a UPnP program like MiniUPnP. The reason is, we are not going to allow a device on the network, especially a proprietary game console, to make rules on our firewall. That is essentially what UPnP does. It allows a device to open and close ports through the firewall as it needs them and independent of our security mindset. Because of this we will make our own rules and by making our own rules we will better understand "how it works."
NOTE: This anchor uses the new syntax of Pf in OpenBSD v4.7.
First, add a rule in the Translation area of the pf.conf to enable static-port nat for the xbox machine. The line with "static-port" will allow the Xbox360 to connect to any ip. Remember that Translation rules are "first match" so the xbox nat line must go before the global nat line for this to work. So, if we added the xbox "static-port" rule in our example pf.conf from above it would look like:
## add to /etc/pf.conf
### Network Address Translation (NAT with outgoing port randomization)
 match out log on egress from !$Xbox360 to any nat-to ($ExtIf:0) port 1024:65535
 match out log on egress from  $Xbox360 to any nat-to ($ExtIf:0) static-port
Second, you need to set the anchor points in your pf.conf. These are the points in which the rules in the following section will be loaded. Think of the anchors as place holders for the rules. When you load the anchor, the rules will be evaluated in the place the anchor line is specified.
For the Xbox 360 we need to add an anchor in pf. Add the following into your pf.conf:
## add to /etc/pf.conf
################ Filtering #################################
# Games (rules anchor)
 anchor "games"
Lastly, the xbox360 needs to connect out on ports 88 udp, 3074 udp and 3074 tcp and allow connections in on port 3074 udp. These rules are put into a separate file which will be loaded using pfctl as an anchor. Remember that the anchor will _not_ read variable names from the main pf.conf. You will need to tell the anchor about interfaces, like ExtIf="em0", for the anchor to work.
The following anchor is called "pf_anchor_xbox360" and works perfectly. You are welcome to copy/paste these rules. Note we also have setup a overload block rule to keep those abusive script kiddies off our console. We have seen attempts by angry players (Call of Duty 6, Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Halo 3 ODST / Reach seem to be especially sinister) to flood your console with corrupt packets to try to drop you out of an online game. This is a good solution to block corrupt and abusive (DDOS) packets of incoming UDP traffic in conjunction with the urpf-failed block rule in the pf.conf above. An unsporting player should not be able ruin your online experience.
## Xbox360 anchor ::
################ Macros ###################################

### Interfaces ###

### Hosts ###

### Ports ###
 XLivePortsOutUdp="{88, 3074}"
 XLivePortsOutTcp="{80, 443, 3074}"

### States & Queues ###
 SynState="flags S/SAFR synproxy state"
 UdpState="keep state"

### Stateful Tracking Options ###
 XboxSTOin  ="(max 100, source-track rule, max-src-states 10, max-src-nodes 30, max-src-conn-rate 10/180, overload  flush global)"
 XboxSTOout ="(max 100, source-track rule, max-src-states 75, max-src-nodes 1)"

################ Translation and Filtering ###############################

# block the abusers
 block quick on $ExtIf inet from  to any

# $ExtIf inbound
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto udp from !($ExtIf) to ($ExtIf) port $XLivePortsInUdp $UdpState $XboxSTOin tag XBOX360 queue (bulk, ack) rdr-to $Xbox360 label "games"

# $IntIf outbound
 pass out log on $IntIf inet proto udp from any to $Xbox360 port $XLivePortsInUdp $UdpState received-on $ExtIf tagged XBOX360 label "games"

# $IntIf inbound
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto udp from $Xbox360 to any port $XLivePortsOutUdp $UdpState $XboxSTOout queue (bulk, ack) label "games"
 pass in log on $IntIf inet proto tcp from $Xbox360 to any port $XLivePortsOutTcp $SynState $XboxSTOout queue (bulk, ack) label "games"

################ END #######################################
Finally, to enable to the rules you must first reload the pf.conf to enable the anchor place holders, rdr-anchor "games" and anchor "games". You only need to load the pf.conf this one time. Then when you are ready to use the Xbox360 anchor you can use the following commands or use the script above "".
To re-read the pf.conf file use:
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
To enable the lines in the "games" anchor use:
pfctl -a games -f /directory/pf_anchor_xbox360
To list out the active redirects and rules of the "games" anchor:
pfctl -a games -sr
To list out all anchor and main rules/redirects together:
pfctl -a '*' -sr
To flush (clear) _ALL_ of the lines currently loaded in the "games" anchor:
pfctl -a games -F all

Example: Two external ISP connections using route-to and round-robin

It is possible you work for a company with two ATM/ADSL/DSL lines or you have a home network with a combination of DSL, cable modem and FIOS. If you have two ISP's to connect to then you should be able to load balance your traffic over each as well a control what traffic goes to what external interface. This example is an exercise to show the possible configuration options when using two external internet service providers. This is the theoretical environment we are looking to support:
  • Route port 25 and 110 mail traffic from our LAN to the ISP on external interface 1 (ExtIf_1)
  • Load balance port 80 and 443 web traffic from our LAN between both ISP's. If one ISP goes down the other will take on 100% of the web traffic.
  • Load balance port 80 external web traffic from the ISP on external interface 2 to our three(3) internal web servers (ExtIf_2)
This is not a complete pf.conf, you can find that above. Here we list out the rules that are important to completing this example.
################ OpenBSD pf.conf ##########################
##  Route-to two ISP's with load balancing
################ Macros ###################################
 IntIf   = "em1"
 IntNet  = ""
 ExtIf_1 = "em0"
 ExtGw_1 = ""
 ExtIf_2 = "em2"
 ExtGw_2 = ""
 Mail_ports = "{53, 110}"
 Web_ports  = "{80, 443}"
 Web_servs  = "{,, }"

### States & Queues ###
 SynState="flags S/SA synproxy state"

################ Normalization #############################
 scrub log on {$ExtIf_1, $ExtIf_2} all random-id min-ttl 254 max-mss 1472 set-tos lowdelay reassemble tcp fragment reassemble

################ Translation ###############################
# External access to web server cluster
 rdr on $ExtIf_2 proto tcp from any to any port 80 tag EXTWEB -> $Web_servs round-robin sticky-address        

################ Filtering #################################
# BLOCK all in/out on all interfaces and log
 block        log on {$ExtIf_1, $ExtIf_2}
 block return log on $IntIf

# $ExtIf_2 inbound
 pass in log on $ExtIf_2 proto tcp from any to ($ExtIf_2) port 80 $SynState tagged EXTWEB

# $IntIf inbound
 pass in log on $IntIf route-to { ($ExtIf_1 $ExtGw_1) } proto tcp from $IntNet to any port $Mail_ports $SynState
 pass in log on $IntIf route-to { ($ExtIf_1 $ExtGw_1), ($ExtIf_2 $ExtGw_2) } round-robin from $IntNet to any port $Web_ports $SynState

################ END #######################################

Optimizing PF

To optimize pf and make it run faster you can order the rules by relevance according to the interface used, protocol and other values. Pf has logic to evaluate the rules listed and ignore rules in bunches that do not match what it is looking for.
For example, the following rule is _not_ optimized for pf. The rules for the external and internal interfaces are intermingled and thus pf must evaluate each line before going to the next. This means pf must take five(5) steps to look at all five(5) lines. What we need to do is put the rules into order of packet flow direction, then interface, then protocol and so forth so pf can look at the rules more efficiently.
pass in  on $ExtIf proto tcp from to port 80
pass out on $IntIf proto udp from to port 800
pass in  on $ExtIf proto udp from to port 22
pass in  on $IntIf proto tcp from to port 80
pass in  on $ExtIf proto udp from to port 22 
This new ordering below of the same rules is a lot faster for pf to traverse. The reason is the rules are now grouped by similar direction, interface and protocols values.
Pf works like this: Lets say you have a packet that needs to pass in on the internal interface and is udp based. Pf would look at the rules below and see that the first three(3) lines are for the external interface and ignore the whole set of the first three rules. Pf then stops on the fourth(4) line and sees the interface is for the internal interface, but the protocol is tcp and not what the packet is. The last line matches.
pass in  on $ExtIf proto tcp from to port 80
pass in  on $ExtIf proto udp from to port 22
pass in  on $ExtIf proto udp from to port 22
pass in  on $IntIf proto tcp from to port 80
pass out on $IntIf proto udp from to port 800
When pf runs through the rules above it looks at the first three lines in one step, then the fourth line and then the last line. Three(3) steps in total to get through five(5) lines for our internal interface udp packet. By optimizing the rule order we have reduced the amount of rules pf needed to look at from five(5) to three(3). Just by re-ordering the pf lines we increased the speed of pf's evaluation engine by 160%.

Want more speed? Make sure to also check out the Network Speed and Performance Guide. With a little time and understanding you could easily double your firewall's throughput.

Prioritizing empty TCP ACKs

ALTQ is a framework to manage queueing disciplines on network interfaces. It manipulates output queues to enforce bandwidth limits and prioritize traffic based on classification.
This article presents a simple yet effective example of what the pf/ALTQ combination can be used for. It's meant to illustrate the new configuration syntax and queue assignment. The code used in this example is already available in the -current OpenBSD source branch.
Problem: We are using an asymmetric DSL with 512 kbps downstream and 128 kbps upstream capacity (minus PPPoE overhead). When I download, I get transfer rates of about 50 kB/s. But as soon as I start a concurrent upload, the download rate drops significantly, to about 7 kB/s.
Explanation: Even when a TCP connection is used to send data only in one direction (like when downloading a file through ftp), TCP acknowledgments (ACKs) must be sent in the opposite direction, or the peer will assume that its packets got lost and retransmit them. To keep the peer sending data at the maximum rate, it's important to promptly send the ACKs back.
When the uplink is saturated by other connections (like a concurrent upload), all outgoing packets get delayed equally by default. Hence, a concurrent upload saturating the uplink causes the outgoing ACKs for the download to get delayed, which causes the drop in the download throughput.
Solution: The outgoing ACKs related to the download are small, as they don't contain any data payload.
The following link to explains the process of using ALTQ and shows graph proofs of the results. Prioritizing empty TCP ACKs with pf and ALTQ


Pf can seem like a complicated firewall and it may take many months to become fluent. Take some time every few days to review one section of pf. Do not try to learn it all at once. When you are comfortable with one pf directive take a look at the next section and read over this page again if you have questions. The answers may become clearer as you see the same information a second time.

HELPFUL HINT: If you are interested in setting up a reverse, forward or redirector proxy then check out our Relayd proxy "how to" ( relayd.conf ).

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